Wellington Doctoral Submission Scholarship at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Closing date: First day of each month
Student type: Domestic and International students are eligible for this scholarship program.
Level of study: Doctoral

Study area: Any

Scholarship value:  $2,000 per month

Description: The purpose of Wellington Doctoral Submission Scholarship is to enable doctoral candidates to fully concentrate on completing their thesis. Applicants and their supervisors must carefully consider the amount of time required to completion as the scholarship is only available for the final two months before submission of the thesis for examination. Full-time or half-time candidates may apply, but candidates who are currently registered half-time will be required to change their registration to full-time.

To be eligible for consideration, you must:
1.be intending to submit their Doctoral Thesis at the end of the period for which they hold the submission scholarship.

  1. be resident in New Zealand for the full tenure of this scholarship.
    3.Half-time candidates must change their registration to full-time and commit themselves exclusively to completing their thesis.
    4.The Wellington Doctoral Submission Scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other scholarship.

How to apply: apply online
More info: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/scholarships/current/victoria-doctoral-submission-scholarship